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Courses & Symposiums

M Dialysis offers clinical courses in Microdialysis as well as courses for distributors. The clinical courses are aimed for surgeons, intensivists, clinical scientists and nurses to help them achieve benefits in their clinical practice and research.

Welcome to our Microdialysis Courses

M Dialysis offers regular  courses and symposiums about Microdialysis. The clinical courses are aimed at surgeons, intensivists, and nurses to help them achieve real patient benefits in their clinical practices from microdialysis.
The courses will include both theoretical and hands on training on the optimal placement of microdialysis, the management of patients in the intensive care unit through the understanding and interpretation of the bedside data.

General information

Distributor course

Product and Sales training for distributors and sales reps

Place: M Dialysis AB, Hammarby Fabriksväg 43, Stockholm, Sweden

Intensive, advanced product and sales training course on all applications of our clinical products. The course includes Basic Theory, Hands-on training, Patient cases, Simple Maintenance and installation of the Analyzers, and troubleshooting.

Note! This course is only for M Dialysis authorized Sales Representatives or Distributors.

Preliminary Program

Day 1  
09.00-17.00 Microdialysis in the clinic
-Theory and Clinical Applications
-Clinical Microdialysis Products
-Analyzers and Software
Day 2
09.30-14-00 Microdialysis in the clinic
-Analyzers,  service and installation
-Regulatory affairs
-Marketing material and activities


There will be a limit of eight people for the course. This will enable us to give you individual attention and modify the course to your specific needs.

If you are interested or for more information, please send an e-mail to M Dialysis,

To register, send an E-mail to

Service course

Service course on the ISCUSflex Microdialysis Analyzer

A one day advanced service course on the ISCUSflex Microdialysis Analyzer. The course handles User training, Maintenance service, Trouble shooting etc. The course will be held by M Dialysis’s highly qualified service technicians and is restricted for authorized distributors only.

There will be a limit of four people for the course. This will enable us to give you individual attention and modify the course to your specific needs.

The next course: TBD


If you are interested or for more information, please send an e-mail to M Dialysis,

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